01 Jul 2021

The objective of the project was to develop the entrepreneurial and managerial skills of people in the South-East development region, by ensuring access to activities integrated counselling, business start-up support, assistance, mentoring and professional training, in order to ensure the premises for successful business initiation, development and management. The main goal of the projec...

04 Apr 2021

BSCK organized business plan competition for the best business idea in agriculture in four schools which had a positive impact on entrepreneurship development. In total training for 4 schools on entrepreneurship and start-up was organized and one business idea per school of supported with funding of 5,000 euros to support them with seed funding for their business ideas. Among others it h...

05 Mar 2021

Përshkrimi i Projektit “Youth in Energy Sector” është një projekt i financuar nga BE me një objektiv të përgjithshëm për të rritur punësimin, perspektivat e qëndrueshme të punësimit për grupet në disavantazh, përkatësisht të rinjtë dhe gratë në sektorin e energjisë në Kosovë. Projekti përfaqëson një zgjatje të përpjekjeve për të ngritur cilësinë e profesionit në Kosovë, dhe në prezant...

01 Mar 2021

Provide entrepreneurship training for youth to develop start-up companies through, training, mentoring and couching, credit facility. The main programme activities per strategic objective, given the above. Programme target group and beneficiaries: The strengthens capacity of Southern Partner organizations that support entrepreneurs and SMEs. Southern partners, in their turn, build capaci...