Dynamic Business Leadership workshop is designed for business leaders. The workshop will be concerned on how to build a mission orientated dynamic workforce and form agile high impact teams capable of planning for, predicting and reacting to change. Workshop will employ a mixture of lecture, discussion, debate and simulation exercises to make them engaging and fun
13 Apr 2016
BSCK ofrojnë trajnime falas për ngritjen e shkathtësive të buta, për të rinjë në kuadër të Projektit për Zhvillimin Rinisë në Kosovë, i cili implementohet nëpërmes Departamentit të Rinisë, që vepron në kuadër të Ministrisë së Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit.
Projekti është financuar nga Ministria e Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit, dhe ka për qëllim përkrahjen e të rinjëve në zhvillimin e...
11 Apr 2016
Aplikimi i Statistikës në SPSS (mbahet vetëm për OJQ)
11-15 Shkurt 2016, Prishtinë
Trajnim është një mundësi unike për aftësim mbi Metodologjinë Hulumtuese të aplikimit statistikor dhe
ekonometrisë në botën reale, përmes softwerit më të përhapur aplikativ SPSS (Statistical Package for Social
Sciencies). Trajnimi i dedikohet stafit te organizatave joqeveritare në...
01 Jun 2013
To improve living conditions of vulnerable groups, including women, youth and RAE communities in 6 municipalities of Kosovo (Ferizaj, Prizren, Gjakovë, Podujevë, Vushtrri and Fushë Kosovë). Implementation of the training for entrepreneurship and self-employment. Through this activity, 240 selected beneficiaries that have potential for starting/expanding a business, or can get a job will ...
01 Oct 2012
Overall objective of the action was to improve the business enabling environment in the Economic Region Centre. In order to achieve this objective the project will strive to achieve the following specific objectives: • Improving administrative procedures for business registration and licensing at municipal level • &nb...
15 Aug 2012
3000 hours (375 days) of consultancy delivered on demand to the start-ups. |
01 Sep 2011
Entrepreneurship Micro Enterprise Trainings Program, Phase I, financed through USAID Kosovo Private Enterprise Program (implemented by BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON). Total budget USD 56,471. Implemented in Municipalities of Prizren and Drenas. Implemented in 2009-2011; The project organized ToT for 3O trainers which have been later involved in the delivery of training of youth in 10 municipalitie...
01 Nov 2010
01 Feb 2010
BSCK in partnership wth SPARK and funded through the UNDP has implemented project on Establishing a Business Advisory Center (BAC) in South Mitrovica. The BAC was established the Business Advisory Centres (BACs) in Mitrovicë/a North/South and Zvečan/Zveçan in cooperation with the respective municipalities. These BACs aim to support start-ups with training and consultancy. SPARK will be e...
01 Nov 2009
BSCK organized trainings for youth in order to increase entrepreneurial skills and support enterprise creation including all minorities with special emphasis on improving the relationship between young Albanians and Serbs. The main target group will be Kosovo young population of all ethnicities from 18-30 years of age. BSCK/SPARK eensure that prior to entering a course all participants h...